I am visiting St Louis this weekend with my son for hockey tournament. We are staying in one of the upscale hotels with beautiful lobby floors. One thing about guys like me who does marble and terrazzo restoration is that we always looking at the floors trying to identify the background of the marble or any natural stone that is installed in lobby floor.
We also look at the condition of the existing marble floor, etched marks, surface scratches, lippage and for other imperfections. It doesn't take too long to know rather the floor was treated right or wrong. The hotel we are staying to has beautiful Limestone floor tiles with 1/4" grout joints.
The most obvious condition this floor has that it was treated wrongly and what I mean is that it has been crystallized over the years. The mirror image is gone and it looks no longer as natural stone. It looks as vinyl floor and it doesn't take long time to do that magic.
The magic takes to have uneducated building Engineer and management who are not hiring professional stone restoration companies to maintain their marble but hiring janitorial companies that treating any floor with one simple approach….crystallize it…wax it…crystallize it…wax it…and over and over again.
When I asked the management of they were going to do anything about it they said that they are going to replace the whole flooring. What a great decision for the upscale Hotel. Just blame on marble.
It won't say anything in return.
For any questions please contact us at: 630 379 7362 Ask for Kosta.