Polishing concrete floors in the basement face a few challenges that are manageable with the right approach. In residential houses, a concrete substrate is not as high quality as concrete in commercial and industrial buildings due to their lack of porosity and a high degree of density. On the other hand, grinding floors in the basement expose air holes and many types of weaknesses such as cracks, gouges, and signs of disintegration. To increase the density of the concrete it has to be densified in the mid-stage polishing process. Sometimes it can be densified before mid-stage to have a better chance of Crystallizing and filling empty air holes followed by mid-stage hardening. One more helpful system for concrete floors is the grouting process when grouting cementitious filling material is inserted into small surface holes and pits. That ensures smoothness and high clarity of the concrete. Lately, we have been using epoxy material for grouting purposes. It is a more expensive process with a high chance of covering every tiny pit or fisure. Plus epoxy material has the ability to penetrate the concrete floor and work as a hardening agent.
The epoxy grouting system has great visual effects on the polished concrete floor and we highly recommend it.
With any questions for your natural stone please contact me at my email.
Or call me at 630 379 7363