+1 630 379 7362

Severely damaged outdoor granite countertop restoration, crack and chip repair, seam leveling, broken slab fix, deep clean, buff, and seal.


This beautiful property is soon to be up for sale, and we are on a mission to save current homeowners big money by repairing and restoring severely damaged outdoor granite countertop instead of installing an overly expensive brand new one.

Consequently, the new owners will be pleased with a great look or the original outdoor granite countertop that was installed at the property more than 15 years ago.

It is an indeed exceptionally beautiful granite piece, at the moment I’d say, several pieces. The pattern and iniquity components and aggregates of this slab make it look like a piece of artwork.

We are going to use our expert stone restoration and repair techniques, professional tools and extensive experience to give this granite countertop another chance at life.

Granite countertop seam leveling before repair

Broken granite slab needs reinforcement, leveling, and crack repair in multiple places.

Numerous holes and chips need to be repaired

Significant wear and tear of the countertop. Granite surface needs deep cleaning, buffing, and sealing

Color matching epoxy and filling granite cracks and seams

We mix epoxy filler with different colors to match it to the granite as close as possible

We check the color against the granite countertop. Then we mix the filler with hardener.

Epoxy filler application during granite countertop repair

We apply epoxy filler into cracks and seams. We let it cure before we can work on it.

Color matching epoxy for different lighter color areas

We color match a different light epoxy filler to be filled in the cracked area with a large light area of granite.

Fixing broken slab. Granite countertop seam and crack repair

Next, we reattach the broken slab. We reinforce it. Fix the crack and fill it with color matched epoxy filler.

When all the seams, cracks and holes that we filled cure, we remove all the access of the filler. We then flatten them and double check for any missed spots.

Granite countertop deep clean, buff, and seal

Next step is deep clean, buff and seal the granite countertop. We use alkaline cleaner for this step.

Checking if granite sealer works

At the end of our overview video, we show what happens to water when we spray it on the countertop after sealer application.

You can see that sealer is protecting the stone and water forms droplets that remain on top of the granite surface.

The results are fantastic, and the customer is incredibly happy.